How to get WeChat for Windows from the Microsoft Store
Download the software on your computer by visiting from your browser (you can use Chrome, Firefox or Safari).
You need to access your QR codescanner and scan the QR code by tapping the + sign, which is located at the top of your mobile screen >> Scan QR Code.
Alternatively, you will see a QR code on the site and scan it using the messenger on your smartphone. Select Scan QR Code and tap Discover. Then point your camera at the QR Code on the website.
Confirm your web login on your smart device and click the Sign In tab.
At this point, you can transfer data from your mobile device to your desktop from the File Transfer option. You can also drag and drop your videos and photos into the File Transfer folder. In addition, you will receive instant message notifications on your laptop.
How to use WeChat on PC using Bluestacks
Download and install BlueStacks on your desktop.
Sign in to your Google Play Store with your Gmail account.
Search for the WeChat app from the search bar at the top right of your screen.
Download and install the software.
Now, you have the software on your desktop, so click on the icon to launch it.